Quartet Becomes Eclectic

Presenting: The Argus Quartet. You may think you have a good idea of what the music of the past century sounded like, but this program will probably surprise you. From the highly romantic Sibelius String Quartet, Intimate Voices, to the hootin’ and hollerin’ of Sollima’s Sonnets et Rondeax, Quartet Becomes Eclectic celebrates the wealth of…

Artist Talks with Cynthia Minet

Artist Cynthia Minet led a tour through the museum to talk about the inspiration and the process of her work featured in Gyre: The Plastic Ocean and her focus installation Cynthia Minet: Beast of Burden. She describes how she found discarded objects on the side of the road, some found by friends, constructing framework and sometimes naming…

What is a “gyre”?

Fisher Museum curator Ariadni Liokatis explains what a “gyre” is in a short preview video of our current exhibition, Gyre: The Plastic Ocean. Come stop by and remember, admission is free for everyone!…

Congratulations, Sarah!

Mark your calendars! Talented artist Sarah Perry, whose work was showcased at the Fisher Museum in 2007 has her fourth solo exhibition coming up this Saturday (9/12) in LA’s Koplin Del Rio Gallery. “A constant observer and appreciator of all manners of life forms and their patterns, Perry is particularly fascinated by the fundamental and oft-overlooked. Whether Perry…

Gyre: The Plastic Ocean

A flip-flop discarded in Thailand finds its way to Hawaii, and a bottle cast off from a tsunami in Japan becomes Alaska’s beach litter. In a culture dependent upon the modern convenience of plastic, throwaway products of consumption are affecting oceans and shrinking our world as we all become connected through our trash. A unique…

A bientôt, Selma!

Leaving today, our Fisher director, Selma Holo, will be away from home for a semester long sabbatical to do research on contemporary art interventions in the smaller scale museums throughout France! Safe travels, Selma!…